Higher education mobility: why Italy? by Luisa Daniele
Italy, one of the most fascinating and charming countries of the world, the cradle of Roman civilization, the place where Dante composed his verses and Michelangelo painted the Sixtine Chapel, the nation where the Tiber flows, right next to the Colosseum, and the amazing fragrance of pizza can fill the heart of a Neapolitan ‘uaglio’…Italia. Just the way it sounds... “Italia”, is astonishing.
Yet, not everything about Italy, as it is always in life, is so astonishing.
I will not talk about the stereotyped problems everybody thinks of when it comes to this country like mafia, corruption and North-South divide even if, to some extent, they are part of the issue I am about to address.
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Read more: Higher education mobility: why Italy? by Luisa Daniele
Youth mobility in Spain
In recent years Spain has been plunged into a deep economic crisis, which has left sequels such as the difficulty to find work, inflation of prices in the market, or a significant decline in pensions. What is the sector that most affected this crisis? Among others, the youth and pensioner sector. What does this mean?
This means that it has been a difficult time for both the young and the elderly. For young people, the lack of decent work and the impossibility of becoming independent. For the elderly, the worry of “not reaching the end of the month” due to the notable decrease in pensions.
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Dragi prijatelji, bez puno filozofija i fraza, od srca Vam želimo sve najbolje povodom nadolazećih blagdana i sve najbolje u 2018. godini.
Dear friends, without a lot of philosophies and phrases, we wish you all the best in 2018.
Vaš MGMD or Your YPGD
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Književni razgovor
Mirovna grupa mladih Dunav, Gradska knjižnica Vukovar i Udruga za promicanje kultura Kulturtreger pozivaju vas na književni razgovor i čitanje arapskih književnih djela pod nazivom "Revija malih književnosti-Sjedinjene Države Levanta" koji će se održati u petak 08.prosinca 2017. s početkom u 10 sati u prostoru odjela za mlade Spajalica.
“Sjedinjene Države Levanta” čini Revija malih književnosti, Booksin festival koji će ove godine doživjeti svoje trinaesto izdanje i po prvi put u Hrvatskoj predstaviti suvremenu književnost na arapskom jeziku.
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Vukovar u očima EVS volontera
U petak 17.11. u 19 sati u prostorijama Mirovne grupe mladih Dunav održavamo druženje i upoznavanje s našim EVS volonterima iz Italije i Portugala..
Dođite i saznajte kako oni to vide naš grad i ljude u njemu :)
Potrebno je donijeti samo dobro raspoloženje! ;)
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Posjeti Klub mladih
Ekipa, posjetite nas na dobro poznatoj adresi Voćarska 17, radnim danima od 10-15 sati. U našem Klubu mladih možete igrati stolni nogomet, društvene igre, pikado, igrati Playstation 4 ili se družiti s našim EVS volonterima..
I to nije sve! Za vas pripremamo i tematske društvene večeri, Playstation 4 turnire, filozofske večeri i još svašta nešto.. Stay tuned i pratite nas na društvenim mrežama!
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