In one way or another, the rythm runs through everyone's veins and there is not a better way to release the feelings that music triggers on ourselves than moving the skeleton.
In one way or another, the rythm runs through everyone's veins and there is not a better way to release the feelings that music triggers on ourselves than moving the skeleton. That's the reason why we felt the necessity of organizing an enjoyable workshop for the kids of the city to dance every song they wanted. We all know that there is nothing more funny than sharing your best dance moves with your friends while the music is playing out loud and actually, we discovered some great young dance promises!
The volunteers prepared beforehand some songs with their respective choreography just in case the kids felt shy at first and as a resource to break the ice. However, the kids that took part in the workshop already knew the volunteers, so it resulted to be pretty easy to feel at ease.
We standed dancing for plenty of time, untill the place stunk of sweat and humanity. Although is was not pleasant at all, it was a meaningul sign that people gave their best on dancing.
Dancing is not only about moving the body. Behind all those movenets lay a bunch of feelings that you share with body comunication. Every song makes you feel differently and if you just let flow yourself with it, dancing can be a reflection of the soul. Morover, it can also be a way of meeting new people and making friends. In addition, since every of us is coming from different countries, we had the chance to know the folklore of different part of the world, such as latin music, arabic dances... and that is the intercultural values that we can share in this kind of workshops.
Na jedan ili drugi način ritam teče svima kroz vene i nema boljeg načina nego otpustiti kroz osjećaje koje u nama izaziva glazba.
To je razlog zašto smo kroz srpanj organizirali plesne radionice za djecu. Ništa nije zabavnije od dijeljenja svojih plesnih pokreta s prijateljima dok glasno svira glazba, a na radionicama smo čak i otkrili neke od mladih plesnih nada!
Naši volonteri su za najmlađe pripremali koreografije i playliste za svku radioincu kako bi probili led jer nije lako započeti plesati, no djeca koja su sudjelovala su vrlo brzo prihvatili i zavoljeli svaki naš plesni susret.
Ples nije samo kretanje tijela. Iza toga leži pregršt osjećaja koje komuniciramo kroz pokret. Svakom pjesmom se osjećamo drukčije a ples ponekad može biti odraz duše. Također je i odlična prilika za upoznavanje novih ljudi i stvaranje nekih novih prijateljstava. Plesne radionice sui male pregršt interkulturalnih elemenata i na njima smo naučili plesove iz razlnih zemalja! Volontere Europskih snaga solidarnosti djeca Vukovara su na svakoj radionici učili i domaće tradicionalne plesove.
Plesne radionice organizirane su u sklopu projekta "Za jedno ZAJEDNO!" u suradnji s volonterima Europskih snaga solidarnosti kroz projekt "Youth for Vukovar".
Aktivnost se provodi u sklopu projekta. Projekt “Za jedno –Zajedno” financira se iz Europskog socijalnog fonda u financijskom razdoblju 2014-2020 u okviru poziva „Prostori sudjelovanja – razvoj programa revitalizacije prostora u javnom vlasništvu kroz partnerstvo OCD-a i lokalne zajednice, te sufinancira iz Državnog proračuna na poziciji Ureda za udruge . Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 1.988.842,53 HRK od čega EU sufinanciranje iznosi 1.491.631,90 HRK.