Vukovar ima 3 nova volontera! S nama su slijedećih 8 mjeseci Yaiza iz Španjolske te Quentin i Lea iz Francuske u sklopu projekta "Volonterska sinergija za Vukovar", pročitajte što su rekli o sebi!


Lea Carpentier, 23

"Hello everyone my name is Lea and I'm 23 years old, I come from France from a nice area called Picardie. I come from the Valley de la Bresle but actually living in Amiens. I studied French literature and am in my master degre to become teacher. I'm here because after last year who was a continius lockdown for me I wanted to live new experiences and enjoy the real life outdoors. Having a work that has true meaning and purpose is really important for me. If you ask me I really enjoy Vukovar and living here I feel serene."


Yaiza Lorente, 22

"Hi everyone my name Yaiza and I'm 22 of age, I come from Spain a little city called Zaragoza. I am gratuated from my law degre and I am in my master to be a lawyer in the future. I already was in Croatia last year in an Erasmus program at Osjiek, I made beautiful friendships there and met wonderful people. That's why I came back this year to proceed the adventure."


Quentin Canivet, 22

"Hello my name is Quentin and I'm 22 years old I come from a little village situated in Picardie as well called Meharicourt (yeah really french...). I have political science and economical administration degrees. I'm taking a gapyear between my degrees and master. I'm fan of sports, I am judo and football player. I come here to exchange with local people and share my experiences."

Dođite ih upoznati i podržati te čuti njihove zanimljive priče u sklopu Time to move kampanje, u subotu 23.10. u 18h u Mirovnu grupu mladih Dunav na adresi Voćarska 17!







 Voćarska 17, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia

 Tel/fax: +385 (32) 414-633