Naziv projekta: Bridge over Cultures
Broj projekta: 2016-2-HR01-KA105-022354
Financijska potpora: Europska unija/Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU/program Erasmus +
Trajanje projekta: 01.08.2016.- 31.10.2017.
Iznos dodijeljene potpore: 14.166,00 €
Partner: SPb BOO Perspektivy
Saint Petersburg,
Russian Federation
O projektu:
Bridge over Cultures is an EVS project in which two volunteers from Croatia are going to Sankt Petersburg in Russia to hosting organization SPb BOO Perspektivy to the gap between European youth and youth from Neighboring countries with significant obstacles to participate in society.
Two volunteers from Croatia will support children and youth from biggest orphanage in Sankt Petersburg to overcome the educational gap that they are facing because of limitations of Russian state education system. Many of this children are mentally disabled and need great assistance and support to integrate in the society. It is a great aid to a rigid system when youth help disadvantaged youth to learn and integrate. Bridges over Culture will raise the quality of life and learning of orphans and disabled children and youth while bringing a strong intercultural component and European values to both the orphans and hosting organization, promoting good relations between EU and Russia as a neighboring partner country.
Main activities of the project are assisting orphans and disadvantaged youth, organizing workshops for children and youth, promoting opportunities for youth mobility, intercultural events and their personal projects.
Through work on local level, the project will have an impact on the target group – orphans and mentally disabled kids and youth and directly raise their quality of life, develop and strengthen their skills to face the world, inspire and promote inclusion. The activities shall be done together by EVS volunteers, employees and volunteers of Perspektivy which will have a strong intercultural impact and foster good relations between Croatia, EU and Russia.
Regional and national impact shall be made through visibility of project activities and promotion through social networks. The European perspective is reflected through promotion of European values in neighboring partner country and promotion trough partnership of organizations from Croatia and Russia.
All of the activities will be done in nonformal methodology at Orphanage №4 in Pavlovsk and Correctional school №25 both in St. Petersburg.
Besides planned project activities, volunteers will have an opportunity to propose other activities and, with help and support of employees and/or local volunteers, develop them and make them happen, which will be one more way to encourage initiative and creativity of volunteers.
The project activities will last for 12 months, it will include two volunteers from Croatia. The methods of work is direct youth work with target group (orphans, youth with disabilities) along with employees and local volunteers of Perspektivy which enhances tolerance, teamwork, solidarity and inclusion.
Naziv projekta:Art tolerant
Broj projekta: 2016-1-HR01-KA105-021881
Financijska potpora: Europska unija/Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU/program Erasmus +
Iznos dodijeljene potpore: 22.675,00 € ili 169.717,84 HRK
Partneri na projektu:
Poljska - Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw
Portugal - Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos
Španjolska - AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta
Armenija - Today Art Initiative
Gruzija - Student-Youth Council
O projektu:
Youth exchange Art Tolerant is an international cultural exchange taking place in Vukovar, Croatia, where youth of Armenia, Georgia, Croatia, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey hosted by Youth Peace Group Danube organization meet to explore ways to actively express tolerance, discuss cultural differences, regional traditions, stereotypes, refugee crisis and use this knowledge to spread it in their societies.
During 11 days, 35 youth from 7 countries will work together on small scale art projects focused on different aspects and views on tolerance as a general motive. Participants will use digital drawing, video, photography, creative writing, music, panel painting, theater, dance, performance and transmedia storytelling to find their own ways to express attitudes and opinions towards cultural differences, intercultural dialogue, stereotypes, refugees or whatever that comes to their minds in connection to tolerance. At the end of the youth exchange, a showcase event of created artworks will be organized open to public giving opportunity to share common or opposing ideas to local community on tolerance and respect. Using their talents, skills and creativity together, participants will find common points between Europe and Caucasus. The event will be organized in Rogoznica and a guerilla marketing campaign will be used to invite local youth to the event. Our aim is to promote tolerance, respect and mutual understanding trough artistic expression of cultural, religious, ethnic diversity between youth from different countries.
Youth exchange will help young people to see how much engagement and developing their own interests and creativity beneficial to themselves and communities the live in. Life offers to youngsters a world of opportunities for activities and fulfillment, to make their own lives more colorful and meaningful, with positive effects not only for them, but also to other actors of the community, by increasing participation in civic life. The project aims to raise confidence of young people from deprived areas to express their own positive ideas and show that there are many interesting ways for the actions.
Goals of Art Tolerant are:
1. Cross-cultural learning and dialogue between the participants from different countries, with a focus on mutual understanding and tolerance
2. To increase youngsters knowledge about different cultures/history/religions and ways to express them in a positive and respectful way
3. Development of creativity and involvement of young people in civil life trough artistic expression
4. To unite youngsters from different backgrounds, nations and cultures
5. To learn how to respect each opinion and break stereotypes through conducting of evaluation and discussion with young people from other countires
6. To promote good neighborly relations between EU member and non EU states and to provide space for friendship and relationship trough art and culture.
Naziv projekta: Klub kulture YPGD
Financijska podrška: Zaklada Kultura nova
Dodijeljen iznos: 83.583,00 HRK
Sažetak projekta:
Cilj projekta je osigurati da Klub djelujući kao sociokulturni centar za mlade realizira aktivnosti koje doprinose razvoju kulturnog i umjetničkog stvaralaštva u Gradu Vukovaru, u proizvodnji i participaciji u kulturi, te mjesta koji doprinosi razvoju nezavisne kulturne scene u gradu kroz aktivnosti koje promiču suvremeni audivizualni izričaj, i korištenje novih tehnologija u umjetničkoj produkciji, potiču razvoj street art umjetnosti.
Ciljevi programa su: ostvariti središnje okupljalište vukovarskih nezavisnih i neafirmiranih umjetnika i aktivista,koji djelujući u prostoru stvaraju nova autorska djela i prezentacijom potiču zajednicu na djelovanje.
Aktivnosti projekta uključuju osiguranje prostora i mjesta za svakodnevni rad samih umjetnika i kreativaca, njihovo umrežavanje na lokalnoj i međunarodnoj razini kroz razmjene umjetnika i djela, organiziranje i provedu festivala i glazbenih i likovnih radionica, glazbenih radionica; prezentacija umjetničkih radova i proizvoda nastalih u Klubu; sudjelovanja mladih umjetnika u nacionalnim i međunarodnim kulturnim projektima, produkciju,street art aktivnosti, te prakticira inovativne oblike
kulturnih aktivnosti - art jamm, jam sassion, radionice perkusija, digitalno crtanje, strip, grafitiranje, mandala crtanje.
Kroz ove aktivnosti Klub pruža jedinstveno mjesto za razvoj i afirmaciju nezavisne kulture i kulture mladih, te kontinuiranu materijalnu i ljudsku platformu za razvoj kulturnog potencijala,novih projekata, te potiče kulturnu afirmaciju umjetnika. Društvena uloga ovog kluba što osim proizvodnjom i produkcijom potiče interes za suvremenu kulturu i i kulturno obrazovanje kao jedinstvenog prostora u gradu Vukovaru, ali i aktivno kulturno djelovanje i kritičko preispitivanje kulture kod novih generacija.
Culture club in 2016.
Financial support: Zaklada Kultura nova
Financial support amount: 83.583,00 HRK
About the project:
Aim of the project is to make sure that The club as social and cultural center realises activities which are contributing to cultural and art creation in Vukovar and producing in culture, and places which are contributing on the development of the independent culture scene in the city trough activities which promote modern audio-visual expresion, making of, distribution and promotion of the acts of different disciplines.
Aims of the program are: establishing a central place for independent and non-affirmed artists and activists from Vukovar, which are creating new authors works and by presentations encourage people for participating. Activities of the project are including preparation and organisation of the space for everyday work of the artists and creatives, their networking on local and international level trough an excange of the artists and works, organising and implementation of the festivals, music and visual arts, presentations of the visual arts and products made in the Club; participation of young artists in national and international projects, production, street art activities, practicing new forms of cultural activities: art jamm, jamm session, percusion workshops, digital writing, comics, grafities, mandala drawing. Through theese activities The club gives an uniques place for development and affirmation of independent culture and youth culture, encourages cultural affirmation of the artists. Social role of this club is that besides of the production encourage interests for modern culture and cultural education as a unique space in the city of Vukovar, but and active cultural actions and critical reexamination of the new generations culture.
Naziv projekta: Klub mladih- Smanji dosadu dovedi posadu
Financijska potpora: Ministarstvo socijalne politike i mladih
Iznos programa : 360.000,00
Iznos programa po godini provodbe: 120.000,00
Partner na projektu: Grad Vukovar
Trajanje programa: 19.10.2015.- 19.10. 2018.
Trajanje projekta: 19.9.2015. - 19.10.2016.
Opći cilj: Kroz svakodnevni rad Kluba pružiti i omogućiti mladima sadržaje i programe koji kroz provedbu edukativnih, informativnih, kulturno umjetničkih, i sportskih aktivnosti omogućuju stjecanja dodatnih znanja i vještina, potiču mlade na odgovornost, društveni angažman, aktivizam, unaprjeđuju zdrave stilove života mladih u gradu Vukovaru, educiraju te potiču kreativnost i umjetnički angažman djece i mladih, te pružaju mogućnost mladima za vlastitu organizaciju slobodnog vremena.
Specifični ciljevi: Specifični ciljevi
• socijalizirati mlade kroz organiziranje slobodnog vremena za mlade
• Poboljšati znanja i vještine , kompetencije i iskustva mladih
• Povećati kreativnost mladih
• Osnažiti mlade za aktivniji angažman u zajednici i motivirati ih za uključivanje u društvene aktivnosti i mobilnost mladih
Aktivnosti u Klubu mladih uključuju provedbu aktivnosti kroz programe Obrazovanja i informatizacije, zapošljavanje i poduzetništvo; Zdravstvena zaštita i reproduktivno zdravlje, aktivno sudjelovanje mladih u društvu, kultura i mladih i slobodno vrijeme, mobilnost , informiranje i savjetovanje.
Youth Club 2015-2018
Aim of the project: Giving content and programmes to young people through and everyday work of the club, through enforcment of educational, informative, cultural and art, sports activities which enables gaining new knowledges and skills, encourage youth to responsabilities, social activism, improving healthy life styles of youth from Vukovar, educating and encouraging creativity and art among kids and youth, and giving the possibility to youth for their own organisation of their free time.
Specifics goals:
To socialize youth trough organising free time for youth
To improve knowledges and skills, competences and youth experiences
To increase creativity of youth
To empower youth of more active working in the local community and to motivate them to involve in social activities and youth mobility
Activities in the club are including implementation of the activities through educational programmes, informatization, employment and business, health care and reproductive health, active engagement youth in society, culture of youth and free time, mobility, informing and counseling.
Naziv projekta: Solidarity to progress
Financijska potpora/ Europska unija/Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU/ Program Erasmus +
Iznos dodjeljene potpore: 23.270,00 Eura
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 1.1.2016. - 30.11.2016.
Partnerske organizacije: Asociacion Building Bridges
Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos
Mission Locale de Villeurbanne
O projektu:
Cilj projekta Solidarnošću do napretkanam je poboljšati kvalitetu i društveni život starijih osoba, djece i mladih, te poboljšati socijalnu uključenosti starijih ljudi, podizanje svijesti njihove uže i šire okoline a naročito mladih ljudi o socijalnoj uključenosti, toleranciji, društvene uključenosti i vrijednosti, jer će mladi ljudi biti ti koji je provoditi projekta kako za stare i nemoćne, tako i za druge djecu i mlade. Ideja je socijalno uključiti starije ljude iz Vukovara s mladima organizirajući različite aktivnosti za starije ljude, dok će te aktivnosti i projekt imati utjecaja na EVS volontere i mlade iz Vukovara, dajući im priliku da rade na različitim pitanjima i zajedno stvaraju i provode različite aktivnosti i programe koji će utjecati na njih same. Važno nam je potaknuti mlade ljude da budu više socijalno osviješteni i društveno uključeni kroz različite vidove projekta, potaknuti volonterstvo, kroz npr učešće u radu sa starijima, kroz društvene aktivnosti i na taj način kroz volonterstvo razvijati vještine potrebne za tržište rada mladih osoba( odgovornosti, točnost, osjećajnost, komunikativost, poduzetnost, razvojati osjećaj vrijednosti).
Glavne aktivnosti projekta: Pomoć u kući za stare i nemoćne, Društvene aktivnosti za starije osobe; Društvene aktivosti za mlade; Društvena aktivnosti za djecu; Promocija mogućnosti za mlade - Sudjelovanje u organiziranju događaja, kampanja i promotivnih aktivnosti za mlade; Interkulturalne večeri; Samostalni projekt EVS volontera- svaki EVS volonter u okviru svoje volonterske službe razvit će svoju samostalnu aktivnost čime će steči kompetencije za direktno vođenje aktivnosti, razvit će se kreativnost i liderske vještine.
Projektom će se - unaprijediti kvaliteta življenja starijih osoba, djece i mladih u Vukovaru (broj i vrsta aktivnosti); ojačati socijalna kohezija u zajednici (uključenost EVS i lokalnih volontera;međugeneracijska solidarnost. Poboljšati znanja i vještine mladih ( vrsta aktivnosti); Povećati kreativnost djece i mladih ( vrsta aktivnosti i metodologija rada); Veća informiranost mladih o mogućnostima za mlade - obrazovanje, razmjenama, treninzima, kampovima, volontiranje - ( broj i vrsta aktivnosti); Kroz provedene kreativne radionice, te radionice ojačane kompetencije i znanja , te iskustva mladih ; Osnažena i mladi za aktivniji angažman u zajednici i motivirani za uključeni u društvene aktivnosti ( samostalne aktivnosti volontera); Prevenirana socijalnu isključenost, marginalizanost starih, djece i mladih.
Solidarity to progress
About the project:
Aim of the project is to improve the quality and social life of the elderly, children and youth, to improve social inclusion of the elderly, raising awareness of their closest and broader environment and especially young people about social inclusion, tolerance, social invlolment and worthness, because young people will be implementing the project, as for the elderly, as for the children. The idea is to socialy include elderly people from Vukovar, with youth organising different activities for elderly, while for theese activities and the projcet will have the impact on EVS volunteers and youth from Vukovar, by giving them the opportunity to work on different issues and to create together different activities and programmes that will affect on themselves. It's important to us to encourage young people to have more social awareness and socialy included trough different types of projects, to empower volunterism, such as volunteering with the elrderly, through social activities and in that way through volunteersm develop skills nessesary for the labor market of youth ( responsabillity, accuracy, sensitivity, communication, busyness, developing self confidence).
Main project activities: help in the house for elderly people, social activities for elderly, social activities for youth, social activities for children, promotions of the possibilities for youth- participating in the organisation of the events, campaings and promotional activities for youth, intercultural evenings, personal project of the EVS volunteers- every EVS volunteers in his service will develop a personal project and will gain competences for direct leading of the activities, developing creativity and leader skills. With the project will be improved- quality of life of the elderly people, children and youth in Vukovar(number and type of activity); empower social inclusion in the community (involment of EVS and local volunteers, trans- generational solidarity; improve knowledges and skills of youth (type of the activity); increase creativity of children and youth (type of the activity, work methodology,; giving youth more informations about their possiblities- education,excanges, trainings, camps, volunteering ( number and type of the activities). Through implemented creative workshops, and empowered competences and knowledges and experiences of youth; youth empowered for more acitve engagement in the community, motivated to involve in social activities; social exclusion prevented, margninalisation of the elderly, children and youth.
Naziv projekta: Be tolerant
Financijska potpora: Europska unija/Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU/program Erasmus +
Iznos dodjeljene potpore: 19.380,00 €
Razdoblje provedbe: 01.08.2015.- 1.2.2016.
Partneri: Student-Youth Council - Gruzija
Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw - Poljska
Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos - Portugal
Today Art Initiative - Armenija
O projektu:
“Be Tolerant” is an international cultural exchange project taking place in Ureki (Georgia), where youth of Georgia, Poland, Turkey, Croatia, Armenia and Portugal hosted by “Student-Youth Council” organization meet to discuss cultural differences, regional traditions, stereotypes and use this knowledge to spread for their society. They will be trained on the following topics: democracy values and mutual understanding; Respect differences, break stereotypes and create network; During 10 days 36 young people from 6 countries will work in 2 international teams: video reportage and street theater performance. The main topic of this workshop will be to promote tolerance and the respect.
They will jointly prepare the scenario for the theater play in the subject of local traditions of family life. Through theater and music, which express traditions and roots of particular region, but also contemporary trends the project aims to raise awareness of young people that "cultural differences" and "intercultural dialogue" are not abstract concepts but events in which they participate and benefit from and may use them to develop their local community. Using their own talents, skills and creativity together they need to find a common point between Europe and the Caucasus. Traditions of the important moments of the family life (birth, wedding, funeral etc.) exist in every culture; though the celebrations differ themselves, the need to celebrate these important moments and to share this experience with the rest of the community is something that unites showing common routs of different cultures or nations. The multilingualism of the play is an essential point: actors will use their native language, for their better self-expression and breaking intercultural stereotypes. The play will be shown to Georgian local community of Ureki and Ozurgeti. Additionally participants will show the recorded performance back in their home countries to their local community.
Our aim is to promote tolerance, respect, and mutual understanding through cultural, religion, ethnic diversity between youth from different countries.
Youth Exchange will help young people to see how much perspective is an engagement and developing their own interests standing in front of them. A life offers to the youngsters many opportunities for activity and fulfillment, to make their lives more colorful and valuable, with positive consequences not only for them, but also for the community, by increasing the participation of young people in civic life.
The project aims to raise awareness of young people from deprived areas that "the life does not have a time to be boring"; there are many interesting ways for the action.